Most soldiers choose to go home for their leave but not I. I figure since I don’t have a Mrs. Boggs or some little Boggs’ running around I’ll go check out some part of the world other than my little corner in Ohio. I’m off to the UK for two glorious weeks of going here and there to drink tea and warm beer (or is it ale?) If you are out and about in the UK I would be more than happy to let you buy me a dinner so just let me know.
Any and all suggestions as to what I should do while I am there are welcome. I have never been to the UK so let me know if there is anything that I simply shouldn’t miss.
Fear not faithful readers I will not be leaving you completely alone for I have a guest blogger in line to take over for me-my father. He has some great stuff lined up for the next couple of weeks so be sure to check back often and while you are here leave him a comment and then link to his posts.

Peace I'm outta here.
Bon Voyage Boggsy! Enoy your adventure into sanity of a sort for two weeks. We relish the opportunity to torment your brave father for awhile. He too will need a vacation by the time you return. You are the best. Take care ta ta
Hey Boggs,
I have purchased a ticket to London and will meet you under Big Ben Tuesday evening. Will have just enough money to buy dinner and warm ale at "The Horse You Rode In On" (swiging swinging swanky pub.) Just thought I would surprise you and brighten your vacation with my sparkling personality. Just kidding!! Scared you though, didn't I? Nobody likes a tag along. The furthest I can get on my budget is Albuquerque. Have a blast and in case anyone complains about using tax payer money - - it is the best spent tax dollars going. If they want a vacation all they have to do is go fight in Iraq for a year. So there! Tell your dad I will take it easy on him. NOT!!! Have a blast.
Dear Guest Blogger,
Are looking forward to your first blog. Man it better be good!
The Anonymous trouble makers
AKA Thelma & Louise
Will you be going to Iraq to fill in for Tim? Word is that he hides the good stuff under his mattress so check it out, okay?
Glad to see our taxdollars put to good use -- enjoy!
I'm interested in anything you might hear about Prince Harry and Wills, their time at Sandhurst, and their military service. How does it square Britain's Muslim population, is presumably opposed to the war. We last heard Harry say if he wasn't allowed to go to Iraq with his unit, he would turn in his uniform.
Do they see the two Princes' service as the last stand of old England's anglo ruling class?
While in London--try a Jack the Ripper walking tour. It sounds grim, but it is interesting. A tour of the Tower of London is great. My favorite room was the display of weapons and armor. The National Museum is good, too, but I don't know if you want to see all the artifacts that the British Empire plundered over the years.
Then, out of London, the Roman Baths in Bath.
Enjoy your leave!
Enjoy your well-deserved vacation! Don't forget to go see the recreation of Shakespeare's theater on the banks of the Thames. I think it's called The Rose. I've heard it's a fun tour.
The Tate Museum--the J.M.W. Turner paintings in particular.
t.f. have a GREAT time on leave and be safe in your travels. Hope the time won't go too fast for you, but vacations always do. Enjoy!
tfdad, looking forward to reading "your" blog for the next couple of weeks!
Sgt. Boggs,
I'm glad you get a little chance for some R & R.
I second the Tower of London and the British Museum. You might want to cruise through Trafalgar Square, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and if you like shopping(probably not, but) Harrod's.
And since you're going to be there for two weeks you might want to take a side trip up to Scotland. Particularly Edinburgh. That was a cool town. But plan on a couple days. The trains are good.
And when I was there the tube was really good. You could go anywhere on that, just about. Have fun!
Btw, I'm reading "A Case for Israel" right now. You're right, it's very good.
Oops, I know PeteS would be upset if I didn't put in a plug for the Guinness. Although no doubt he would say that Ireland's Guinness is far superior to Englands! lol!
woohoo! How cool!!! Hope you have a "jolly good time, old chap!"
;-) Hopefully you'll be sharing pictures??? :)
Have a fantastic time. Glad to hear that yer dad is guest blogging for you! Woohoo! Yay for Dad Boggs! :)
I've never been, but UK native Douglas Adams did have this to say in The Salmon of Doubt (as a foot note regarding how to pour tea):
"This is socially incorrect. The socially correct way of pouring tea is to put the milk in after the tea. Social correctness has traditionally had nothing whatever to do with reason, logic or physics. In fact, in England it is generally considered socially incorrect to know stuff or think about things. It’s worth bearing this in mind when visiting."
have fun!
I think you should do everything that Chevy Chase did in National Lampoon's European Vacation. Don't forget to drive around in circles screaming at Big Ben!
LOL ok that was hysterical!
Hope you have a marvelous time and find lots of wonderful things in the UK! I look forward to hearing from your dad. =)
Peter Sampson and any other ignorant commentors,
My blog is not the place for your political agenda. I reserve the right to delete comments as I see fit as this is not a forum for any and all free speech. I allow anyone to say what they want but when you post ignorant comments that have nothing whatsoever to do with my posts I will delete them. Plain and simple. Take your bleeding, terrorist sympathizing heart elsewhere.
Bully for you, Boggsy! Dude, if you even THINK of spending a single minute touring "culturally enlightening" sites when you could instead be getting s**t-hammered in any one of the hundreds of pubs, I will disown you as my favorite milblogger.
Seriously though, enjoy your time off. I'll still be here celebrating my second consecutive birthday in Iraq in your honor.
Tim - enjoy your time in England. Glad to hear you are going to get some time off and have the opportunity to experience other parts of the world. I look forward to reading your dad's commentary very much! Will he be sharing the latest 'news of the weird' as well? :)
Hope you're having a wonderful time! Although HAD you come back to your little corner of the US, I would have chipped in for a cold one. :) Had no idea your little corner & mine were the same!
I'm with Buck. Sure, take a tour if you must, but that's what TRAVEL BOOKS are for. LOL You learn a lot with the locals, partaking of local beverages and the like. :)
Be safe!
Don't worry, I'll drink one in your name. And if you email me your address I'll make your birthday a little better this time around. Happy birthday by the way, what are you 35 now?
Dude, Buck! HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway. Studpid thing to say to a guy in your spot but we all luv ya anyway! You, once again, have given Boggsy the best tourist advice. If you get a chance between getting those meanheads over there get a hold of Steve Harrigan with Fox News who is in Baghdad. He is the only one we have seen on TV do a piece on you guys. Fill his ear up, will you? He is one of the good guys from what we see on the TV. Again, Happy Birthday Buck.
cutting and pasting an article on the rape of a 14 yr old Iraqi girl cannot be allied to any terrorist sympathy....that just proves what a dumbass non thinking subjective twat u are...go get some schooling instead of posturing.... oh sorry...i forgot...u r not allowed to think for yourself////here take another bite of the carrot....gunslinger...
and like i said...u aint welcome in London...we don't like yankke matter what blair tells yo leader
I'm with Melinda- I'm curious as to which corner of o-HI-o you're from, Boggs.
Have a GREAT two weeks!!!!!!!!!
Was kind of cracking up here seeing Boggs pop in to delete some slime. Ya need to get back on here for a minute and take care of Simpson too!!!!! Please!
Meantime - Boggs Dad - how is the family holding up? I'm sure having son out of harms way for a couple of weeks is a relief.
Regards - Andrea in California
Uh, yeah... so actually it's not really my birthday quite yet. I was just making the point that I'll going to still be here when it comes around again this fall.
Sorry for the confusion. I'm blaming my publicist.
Just for that we take the HAPPY BIRTHDAY back....until the Fall. Boy some people!!!! Trying to abuse the power of the birthday wish no doubt.
Where in the world did this Pecker Samsonite come from? What are you on!? I hope it's good ish, at least then we'd understand where you are coming from.
Where this Peter pecker is coming from is he is afraid to see real men show up in London because then he will be exposed for the gutless moron that he really is.
Got a bit of trouble in London today pecter head?
Woke this morning and saw this all over the blogosphere and immediately thought of Tim. He just couldn't go to some nice, quiet island for his break could he!?
Boggs and Bauer!
WHAT a combination!
Love it!
Andrea in California
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